Sioux Falls Exclusive IPX Cover

Sioux Falls: Hemblečiya (Volume 1) is getting an all new exclusive cover for IndigiPopX!

From Indigenous Artist Kory Parkin, Kory is bringing his unique style to the world of Waŋbdi Šda’s Steampunk Native American story inspired by the events of the 1862 Dakota Uprising.

Bio: Kory is an Indigenous (Kanyen'keha) artist/graphic designer from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory. Inspired by many great Indigenous and non-Indigenous artists, he finds ways to pull ideas together through art, sport, and pop culture, to recreate something bold and unique, while blending in important cultural symbolism in each piece. Blessed with many great opportunities he has used his love for art to shine focus on the beauty of Indigenous art and traditions which has allowed him to not only spread awareness for his culture but also help raise funds to give back to those in need.

Make sure you check out Kory’s website, pick up some of his art for sale, and show some love and support!

Website: Paints by Parkin


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